Reimagining the high prairie
Five pocket parks reflect the overall prairie setting while providing designed spaces for a variety of neighborhood activities.
Cottonwood Clearing is framed by trees and features a rustic shade structure, bench swings and a water runnel fed with an old fashioned hand pump.
Pea Pod Park derives its design concept from the shape of the site, a linear string of galvanized tubs filled with edible plantings and silo shade structures encourage neighbors to gather and share in activities.
Beeler Street Neighborhood’s location, immediately adjacent to Dicks Sporting Goods mega sports complex and the Rocky Mountain Wildlife Refuge, one of the largest nature preserves in Colorado, gives this neighborhood two contrasting experiences to draw upon for design inspiration. Dick’s to the west is rough, rugged, noisy and full of energy. The refuge to the north is natural and serene in its expanse of grasslands and wooded drainage ways. Dig Studio designed the parks and open space within the neighborhood to reflect the juxtaposition of these two experiences.